
13 Movie Reviews

1 w/ Responses

Never though I'd hear Rabbids Go Home music again, good choice of music tho

It goes without saying that this is amazing. A professional quality cartoon made only by people who love animation. Looking forward to the next episode!

The design is cute. I'm not sure if you're looking for critique but I think the transition from rolling down the hill into the zoom across the screen could be a bit smoother. Still, it's very cute overall, and I don't blame you for wanting to scale things back a bit after Inkwell.

It's interesting seeing your lineless style in animation. The character design is fun and it's a simple premise to understand that has a good punchline. Like some other people said, the animation is a bit stiff and I feel maybe the contrast in value of the character in the background could've been better in certain spots. Either way, it's good to see you branch out and I'd be interested in seeing what other animations you do! Also, I like the little Wario-esque sound effects in the sound design.

A great animation! Shorts that mix 2D and 3D are always fun to watch. I can't imagine how hard it must have been getting Adeline to believably exist in the 3D environment. Adeline is also obviously the best part. A great silent character that is proudly representative of early cartoons both in design and her mischievous personality, while also complimented nicely by the artstyle. The 2D animation is also well done, specifically 1:45-2:05, the melting sequence, the "eyes in the dark" sequence, and 4:26 - 4:43 (4:38 - 4:43 in particular). The 3D modeling is kept simple but stylized and appealing, which I appreciate. Overall, this short was worth the wait! If you wanted, it'd be fun seeing Adeline in more adventures in her fully 2D cartoons, which you hint at a bit in the corkboard art.

On a more personal note, even though we haven't talked too much, it's been an honor getting to meet you and everyone else in your class. I think you and your friends are going to be the next big movers and shakers in animation. This is only the beginning of bigger and better things, and I wish you all the best!

This felt like a unique watch, even with the well-worn "small-time band" story. The protagonist designs are simple yet memorable, along with the rest of the character designs, and the voice acting is well-done. The idea of humans being a minority in a world of aliens is interesting and possibly a good springboard for future stories if you so choose. It has a 90's feel to it, from its rock aesthetic to the MTV-like edginess in the tone. The fluid animation combined with the line boil and sketchy backgrounds is an eye-catching choice. The video game sound Easter eggs in the sound design (plus the Ed, Edd, and Eddy shoutout) are a nice touch. Things might be a bit over exaggerated here and there in character expression and tone, but any complaints I have are minor, especially in the face of how long this must have taken. The loose sketchiness of certain parts, including the sequence at the end, adds to the charm, and in a way helps prove this was clearly a passion project. You have a unique voice, and you represent what this website was originally made for. I'll keep you on my radar in the future.

thecooldrawingguy responds:

Thank you so SO much for the love! I'm really glad the asethetics work for you, this is such a fulfilling comment to read haha!

You definitely captured the style of the time. To the point that it's almost weird seeing something like this in a time where Flash no longer exists. Also, is that Egoraptor himself doing the voice or just an imitation? Because it's pretty spot-on.

I like that it feels somewhere in-between 90's MTV animation and more modern internet animation. I think the sound mixing needs work, there are some places that feel like there either was sound missing or where a voice line was too quiet. Either way, I think there's something good here. Good luck on the next episode!

This is an impressive start. The art style and overall mood feel Tartakovsky-esque. The narrator is also a good touch, and helps to quickly establish context. If I had to say something as a critique, the run cycle at the end looks a bit floaty, but maybe that's intentional.

I look forward to seeing the end product!

I think it was a fun little skit. Though I was a bit confused on the setup. I thought it was going to be, "The main character procrastinates on his finals, and then is anxious for his shift to end so he can go home and cram," but it seemed to be more like, "The main character is so exhausted from his finals that he starts to hallucinate."Another thing that confused me is that the main character designs are already so abstract it's hard to distinguish what is "real" and what Orval is imagining. But as I write this, I realized it was for an animation jam, so any deeper problems from your animation are totally forgivable. Hopefully what I wrote is valuable anyways. Good job nonetheless!

Artist/animator, might dabble in other fields eventually.

Age 24, Male




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